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'It’s the question that drives us, Neo. It’s the question that brought you here. You know the question, just as I did.’  This quote was taken from the movie The Matrix.

If you have watched the movie "The Matrix". you will be familiar with the above conversation between Morpheus and Neo.

We all have questions.  I did.  You do, that is why you are here.

The question that was important to me since I was very young was "Why am I here on planet Earth?"

Whether you are a senior citizen, a student, a working adult, you all have a birth date, as long as you are born as a result of your mother giving birth to you.

From nowhere, out of the invisible, via the egg from the ovaries of your mother and the sperm from your father, you are birthed and you pop into this time space environment.

You were given a name.  
You have a gender.
You probably have undergone some sort of education, formal or otherwise.
You are either a passive income earner or if you are not, you are engaged in some occupations to generate an income for you to pay for the expenses of day today living.
You are either single or married.
You either have children or do not.


But who are you, really?
Why were you birthed into this time space reality?
Was it your decision to be here or did someone or some higher power force you to be here?

You have a physical body.
You have feelings.
You have a mind of your own (unless you have been brainwashed or you do not have the ability to think for yourself).

You notice that there is a boundary between your body and other physical bodies.

You notice that there is you and you notice that there is an environment that appears to be outside of you, the trees, the houses, the mountains, the rivers.

You notice that there is you and you notice that there are not you.

You notice that if you pinch yourself, you will feel a corresponding pain.  However, you notice that if you pinch your sibling or your friend, you cannot feel the pain experienced by your sibling or your friend, pain caused by your pinching.  From this experience, you formed the conclusion that there is you and that there are those that are not you.

You become aware that you appear to be separated from whatever that is not your body.


This is the fundamental illusion, that there is you and that there are those that are not you.

Your senses create this boundary via your brain.
Your brain hears the speech coming from another person outside of you.
Your brain sees the movements of another person that you apparently do not control.
Your brain smells the odour coming from an object outside of you.
Your brain taste the flavour of a fruit that you pluck from a tree outside of you.
Your brain senses the wetness when rainwater that is outside of you fell on your skin.

It is your brain that creates the sense of separation that you perceive exist between you and others, between the you that you perceive exist in a body and other bodies that you perceive as existing outside of you.

Repeat.  This is the fundamental illusion, that there is you and that there are those that are not you.

Your brain blocks out everything else that prevent you from perceiving yourself as one with everything, so that you in this time and space reality, perceive yourself as a separate being.  This illusion is created by your brain.

Your brain was designed specifically in this way so that you can participate fully and immerse yourself in this time space reality as an individual separate being.  If you are able to perceive yourself simultaneously as an individual being as well as one with everything, this time space reality will not be as convincing to you compared to perceiving this time space reality through the lens of a separate being.  Why?  Because you would have penetrated through the illusion of this time space reality.

It is also highly likely that you will find life more enjoyable when you have corrected your distorted perception that you are separated from every other things.  Only you will know what your experiences are, from your new perception.  I do know that I find life very enjoyable, now that I know that I am simultaneously the infinite as well as the finite, after experiencing life as a separate being.


Scientist told us that everything, every matter is made up of atoms.  Every matter is just atoms vibrating. Between the nucleus and the electron circling the nucleus, it appears to be empty space.  How much of an atom is empty space?  According to scientist, nearly all of it.  A hydrogen atom is 99.9999999999996% empty space.

So as you, with your body which is made up of atoms, are observing your environment, table, chairs, houses, people, trees, cars, buses, which are also made up of atoms, what are actually out there?

You, atoms, are observing your environment made up of atoms, using your eyes made up of atoms to see, using your brain made up of atoms to process what you see.

What is really out there which is mostly 99.99% empty space?


What is real?

This is what Morpheus commented in the movie The Matrix regarding what reality is.  "What is real?  How do you define 'real'?  If you are talking about what you can feel, what you can smell, what you can taste and see, then 'real' is simply electrical signals interpreted by your brain".

It is time to question what you define as real, to question reality, to question many things about reality.

From the picture above, our brain, seeing through the eyes,  can only see a small portion of the electromagnetic spectrum.  Why?  I will answer this question later.

Since the human brain can only see a small portion of the electromagnetic spectrum,  does it mean that things that the human brain cannot see do not exist?  The answer as you know, is of course, not.

Compared to a human, a dog's hearing range is approximately twice as wide.  Dogs typically can detect sounds between 67 - 45,000 Hz, while humans can detect sounds between 64 - 23,000 Hz.

Have you wondered about dogs ability regarding smell?  Dogs possess up to 300 million olfactory receptors in their noses, compared to about 6 million in humans.  And the part of a dog's brain that is devoted to analyzing smells is proportionately speaking, 40 times greater than humans.

Is there a reason why the human brain can only see a small portion of the electromagnetic spectrum, only a specific portion of sound and only a specific portion of smell?

There is a reason indeed.

Why was our brain designed differently from a dog's brain which appears to have more abilities in terms of smell and hearing?  Why the limitations?

The conditions on planet Earth have been set up specifically in this current format so that, we can only win (viewing life as a game) this game when we have figured out the set up, the rules of the game.

The rules of the game will be apparent as I continue.  Before that, let's focus on the following question.


The goal of this game is to penetrate the illusion that we are all separate beings.  The goal is to be able to perceive that we are all One even though all appearances are indicating that we are all separate beings.

Below are a series of messages which have been inspired to me from an aspect of consciousness which the label "The Master" is something that resonates with me.

The messages to me are self explanatory.  When these messages were inspired to me, I made sure that they were given slowly and clearly so that those reading them would be able to understand these messages.  However, if you have questions after reading them and you are unclear about any of these messages, please feel free to ask me.

When you are able to perceive everything as love, including yourself, you reached a point in your consciousness whereby there is nothing for you to resist.  Resistance is the absence of love. Love is the absence of resistance. The liver does not resist the lungs. The lungs do not resist the heart. All the various organs do not resist the presence of other organs that do not look the same to them, as all the specific organs are from the single cell zygote.  From the one (zygote), arises the many. From the generic undifferentiated wave, many specific particles becomes visible. Each organ has a personal goal as well as a higher order collective goal, which is the optimum health of the human. If the individual organs decide to act from the perception of a sense of separation, this is due to a distorted perception that is not in alignment with the perception that everything is One.

What is the highest truth if there is such a thing?  What is the highest response to any stimulus? Your current density offers you many opportunities to follow your heart or to follow your head.  When you remember that you are the vibration of love, there is only one singular response to any stimulus. Love. You cannot respond any other way because that is who you are.  Options are available if you do not know who you are. Options are redundant for those who know who they are. The forgetting must be experienced before the remembering unless you are an experienced and skilled lighter density being coming to a heavier density dimension.

The blooming of a flower is a climaxing moment representing the highest evolutionary stage of the flower as the flower opens its petals and radiate an aromatic fragrance.  The opening of the flower of the heart of a human is similarly a significant and momentous stage of the evolution of humans as the struggle for power and domination over others is replaced with love for all components that make up the whole, as a result of the absence of distortion perceived from the clarity of a higher understanding of the sacredness of the many arising from the ONE.   

For flowers that transform into a fruit, the fruit when ripe are harvested.  These fruits are providing the service that only they in the scheme of things can provide.  When humans bloom, they too produce a fruit. The fruit a human who has blooms produces, is a specific vibration.  It is not a tangible fruit, it is a specific vibration and can be seen as light that you can feel whenever you see a fully conscious being.  You can see people basking in the light and enjoying this light. The criteria of a plant that is useful and can be of service is the oxygen that it produces, as well as the flower and the fruit that it produces.  The criteria of a human who is successful and is at the pinnacle is the specific vibration that it constantly radiates and generate infinitely, becoming an instrument that radiates the highest vibration.

What is the difference between two or more fully conscious human beings?  They all have arrived at the same fundamental conclusion of who they are beyond body and mind, beyond form and thought, beyond time and space.  They all started their journey from different points of the circle but they arrived (figuratively) at the same point in the centre of the circle.  However, the expression of this fundamental conclusion is expressed in a unique manner that makes sense only to them as a result of the different experiences each fully conscious beings had undergone.  It is like white light (one source) going through a prism and each colour having different unique experiences as a result of going through the prism, yet reaching the same fundamental conclusion of who they are before going through the prism of this dimension.

Since the same fundamental conclusion can be expressed in many different ways, only those who are fully conscious can penetrate the deeper underlying unifying message and principle that appears to be hidden amongst the various teachings of the many fully conscious beings at different timelines.  To the person who is not fully conscious, the message appears conflicting and incoherent as they become lost during translation. To the fully conscious, they are all communicating the same things from different perspectives.

Since everything is ONE, which form is superior and which form is inferior?  The concept of superiority and inferiority is a gross distortion of the fundamental conclusion in dimension that is of heavier density.  All particles arise out of the same generic wave. All forms are powered by the same consciousness that is beyond form (meaning cannot be perceived by a translating device such as a brain).  Your brain is biased, creating the illusion of absence and presence. You have to use a different translating device other than the brain to have direct access to perceive what is present.

Your brain was designed to lock your perception within a narrow bandwidth, specific narrow bandwidth, where the observation of forms that are 99.99% space are made possible.  It can only see a small portion of the electromagnetic spectrum so that you can participate in this dimension fully for the purpose of the flowering of your heart. You will only participate fully if you believe that it is real. Hence, your brain makes your reality real. Your participation is different when you perceive something to be real as opposed to something that you perceive to be a dream. If you are currently not fully conscious, the sense of satisfaction is missing when you are participating in this dimension. When you are fully conscious, you can choose to participate fully in this dimension, feeling completely whole.  You may choose to leave this experience when you are fully conscious, or you may continue to stay in this experience to be of service to the same ONE self appearing as others.

When you are able to perceive that you and everything that appears to be separate from you, are ONE, you have won the game.  After discovering the hidden rule of this game, you can now begin to enjoy fully and wholeheartedly as you immerse and play in this 3D game, without losing your awareness that this is a game.

You have penetrated the illusion, the illusion that you are separate from everything else.

There is only ONE appearing as many.

You are simultaneously the part as well as the whole.

You are simultaneously the finite as well as the infinite.

You are simultaneously the microcosm as well as the macrocosm.

You are simultaneously the space as well as the objects in the space.

You are the infinite and everything exist within you.  Nothing exist outside of you.

Your brain has difficulty understanding the truth of simultaneous existence.  Your brain is designed to think in terms of either/or, this or that, and not both.

You are both the particle as well as the wave.

You are here, there and everywhere.

You are mind, body and beyond body and mind.

You are thought, form and beyond thought and form.

You experience space and time, but you are beyond space and time. 

This realm, time space reality confront participants to make a decision based on the heart or based on fear (illusion).  If life is a game, whenever a participant makes a decision and chooses a decision as a result of love, knowing the truth that there is only One, that we are One, this participant scores points, achieves victory and wins the game.  The game is created in such a way that all fears appear very real and that love and Oneness appear as if they are an illusion, when the truth is the other way round. Now you know everything you need to know to win and exit this game, if that is what you intend.

Do not misunderstand that I am asking you to exit this game. For those who no longer find this game challenging after having a direct personal experience of Oneness, they may reach a conclusion that this density has served its purpose and that it is time for other adventures on other densities. For those who like this density and would like to continue your adventures in this density, by all means, you can choose to stay in this density. You are the boss.

You are in a dimension where there exists both the positive and the negative.  Truth and illusions exist side by side. Positive thoughts and negative thoughts swirl in this time space environment.  Your minds are exposed to both positive thoughts and negative thoughts. Negative thoughts are not you. They are hazards as a result of being in this dimension. You must be clear as to who you are, otherwise you will get lost in this time space reality and cannot win and exit this game if that is what you intend.

You are not here because you have been punished, or 
because you have been banished or because you have fallen from grace.

How do you know who you are if you have not experience who you are not?

How do you know that you are light if you have not experience darkness?

Below is a list of the major illusions.  Knowing these illusions will help you to understand the hidden rules of the game and why you are here.  If being here is a game, knowing the illusions is knowing how the game is structured.



There is no outside.  Everything is within you.  You are the macrocosm, you are the infinite, everything is contained within you.  Everything that you want is within you. You have the illusion that what you want are outside of you.


There is no time.  Everything is happening simultaneously. You are seeing images that have been linearly sequenced. Your brain is unable to view all the dimensions that are existing simultaneously right now. Your brain is designed to ensure that you focus only in this time space density.


There is no continuity.  There appears to be continuity because of linearity. You can move from one frame of images to a different frame of images and experience a different reality if you want to because linearity is an illusion.


There are no others.  Everyone is you, an aspect of you, permutations of every possible you.  You are merely seeing and encountering these permutations of you.


There is no negativity.  In this time space virtual reality, you get to create and experience who you are not. Scarcity is an illusion. Illness is an illusion. Fear is an illusion. The you that is unhappy is an illusion.


There are no forms.  Everything is pure energy (absent of forms).  There must be a thinker in order for forms to exist. You convert energy to form when you use thought. Thought converts energy that is general and formless to energy that is specific and has a form.


There is no objective universe.  Everyone gets to create using thoughts and experience their own subjective universe. Similarities of two or more subjective universes may give rise into thinking that there is an objective universe, but this is incorrect. The universe is a product of your thoughts. There appears to be laws governing objects, however, you can go along with the laws or bend them or ignore these laws and function as per your wish as long as you have the beliefs required to experience any reality you prefer.  Because there are many versions of realities and no single objective universe, your life (or dream) is your version of reality as preferred by you. Your waking reality is no difference from your dreaming reality as they are both subjective realities. Your waking reality appears more real than your dreaming reality to convince you of the realness of your waking reality. You convince yourself by pinching yourself and if you are still in the waking reality, then you tell yourself that you are not dreaming, that it is real. Really?


You are love.  You may experience all other emotions other than love, but who you are is love.  When you are love and you love, you are in alignment with who you are. When you are not, you deviate from who you are.


You are the infinite.  In this virtual reality where there appears to be time and space, you experience yourself as finite.  This is an illusion. You are the infinite having an experience as the finite. You are whole, having an experience as if you are a fragmented part.  Your challenge is to have the experience of wholeness in this time space environment, even when all the evidences are convincing you that you are a part separate from the whole.


You are not here because there is a destination to arrive at. You are here to enjoy the journey. It is about opening your heart, knowing who you are, remembering who you are and enjoying your journey where there is no destination.

If you observe a surfer, he or she is not focused on getting to the destination. He or she is interested only to enjoy the ride. When he or she has reached the shore, he or she will paddle back to sea to catch the next wave, and he or she will repeat this behaviour over and over again.

When you are listening to your favourite music, are you focused on reaching the last note of the music or are you enjoying every moment you are listening to your favourite music?

When you are enjoying an ice cream or a particular food that you like, are you focused on finishing the last particle of food or are you enjoying every moment of your meal?


We now come back to the question that started the whole journey. Here is my answer to the above question.

"You are the infinite having an experience as the finite, playing in the field of finiteness where time and space appear to exist."

The part normally does not feel whole and complete.  It is easy for the whole to feel whole and complete. When you as the part feel whole and complete, you have transcended your identity as the part and are realizing that you are the whole, the whole which simultaneously includes the parts.

When you act from the understanding that you are the whole (infinite), you will not trample the parts that make up the whole.  When you act from the understanding that you are the parts (finite), you see other parts as competitors and you either dominate other parts in order to survive or you attempt to prevent them from dominating you in order to survive.

Perceive with your physical eyes, and you will see the One as the many.
Perceive with your spiritual eyes, and you will see the many as One.

Before the realization that you are the infinite, you will see everything through the filter of the finite you.  As the filter of the finite self though which you view the universe disappears, You, the infinite will no longer see the universe through the filter of the finite self.  You begin to see the universe through the eyes of the infinite. The view of the infinite you is no longer blocked by the filter of the finite you. You see the universe through the eyes of the infinite, or put in another way, the infinite is seeing the universe through the physical eyes and brain of the body.  The infinite is seeing various aspects of itself now, whereas it was blocked from seeing itself previously.


It is easy to get lost in this density when you have a body. When you associate your survival with the survival of your body, your perception gets all screwy, your priorities go haywire.

When you understand and know that you are energy first and foremost and that your body is a vehicle that you use to navigate and participate in this density, your perspective will be different.

When you understand that the purpose of being here is to pierce the illusion of who you are and who others are, and to know the relationship between you and others, you will rearrange your priorities so that they will make sense to you.

According to physicist, we know that energy cannot be created or destroyed. Who you are is eternal (energy) as you are not the body.

The body is simply S.T.I.T.C.H.

S: Shell
T: Tool
I: Instrument/Vehicle
T: Temple
C: Clothing
H: House


If there is only one entity in this universe, then either everything is one, or if this is incorrect, the other explanation has to be that they are all separate entities.

When we asked what are all matter made up of?, the answer is that they are made up of atoms.

Since all matter are made up of atoms, it means that regardless of how visible matter looks like on the surface, beneath it all, everything is made of atoms.

This means that matter at the deepest core, all are made of the same stuff.  What gives rise to the differences are the combinations of different chemical composition such as hydrogen or carbon or oxygen in different percentages and the way the atoms are structured for solids and liquids etc.

Mystics no longer see the myriad of forms as separate entities, but as atoms appearing differently as a result of different permutations and combinations and degrees of frequency of vibrations.


I am sure you have heard the expression "The map is not the territory", meaning, having a direct personal experience of something is different from merely hearing about an experience that someone had.

If you have never tasted a mango and if you were to ask someone what a mango tasted like, it would be much easier to taste the mango yourself rather than hearing the description of what a mango taste like. Hearing a description of the taste of a mango and having a personal experience of tasting the mango are two different things.

After reading this material so far, will you have a direct experience of the Oneness of everything? The answer could be yes, could be no. You have established a certain habitual way of perceiving. You need to break this habitual pattern of perceiving. This material can give you an overview and a sense of what it is all about, however, in order to have a direct personal experience of Oneness, I strongly recommend you to start daily meditation.

Meditation is about having a break from perceiving the world of forms and accessing a different reality. However, you need to be committed when you embark on daily meditation, because the initial thing about meditation is that it can be very boring in the beginning. You have to enjoy meditation in order to continue doing it. If you do not find meditation enjoyable, you would probably stop doing it after a while.

Alternatively, it is also possible to have a personal direct experience of Oneness without the need to meditate. All that is required is the perception that you are not separate from the infinite.


I have been inspired to share the following method in order for you to have a direct personal experience of who you truly are. During your meditation, ask the above question with the intention to know who you truly are and with the intention to have a direct personal experience of who you truly are. After you have asked the above question, let it go and continue with your meditation. Let the experience you want, to come to you at the appropriate time for you. It may come during meditation or it may come when you are not in the state of your daily meditation.

I will share more in the "future" on how staying in the vibration of love will lock you into a frequency where no negativity can be experienced by you.

I wish to state that nobody, including me has a monopoly on any information, esoteric or otherwise. Anyone, who has the intention and is sincere can be guided to access information. You may keep the information that you have accessed to yourself, or you may be inspired to share the information (I do not want to use the phrase, share with others, because there are no others as nothing exist outside the totality of you).



(Namaste means the divinity in me honours the divinity in you).

28 OCTOBER 2018


I have been inspired to elaborate on how staying in the vibration of love will lock you into a frequency where no negativity can be experienced by you.

The vibration of love is a frequency that is different from the vibration of not love.

This dimension has the positive and the appearance of the negative.

The positive frequency and the negative frequency have their own separate existence or bandwidth. They cannot exist side by side. If you have a negative thought, at that moment that you have a negative thought, you cannot have a positive thought and vice versa. It is not possible for you to have a positive thought and a negative thought simultaneously. It is either/or.

You cannot repel the negative. What you do is stay in the positive. When you are trying to repel the negative, you have focused on the very thing you want to repel, dropping your vibration from highest to lowest. When you repel the negative, you have replaced your positive frequency with the negative frequency, you have replaced your positive frequency with the very thing you do not prefer, meaning you are now vibrating negatively. This is the meaning of "Do not resist" or "Resist not evil" because the very act of resisting is locking you into the negative frequency. See the negative or positive as something that a person prefers or do not prefers, without judging that the negative is 'bad'.

I am sure you have heard the expression "Love is the key" and "Love is the answer" over and over again until you are tired of hearing these expressions. I would like you to hear it in a way that will benefit you the most. Are you game? Here are my explanation of these expressions.

The reason teachers in the past have spouted the above expressions are because they want you to stay in the positive vibration, because when you stay in the positive vibrations, you continue to stay in the positive vibration. Why? Because the positive and the negative are different frequencies. Just as oil and water cannot mix because they are of different densities. No matter how much you stir them together, they will separate.

Because most people do not understand what is going on vibrationally with their energy, most people think that when they send other people loving energy, it is others who will benefit (gain) and that they (the sender) will stand to lose.

That is why most people will try to punish others they do not love by hating them, thinking that by doing this, it will harm them.

When you send others loving energy, the first person that benefits is you, (even though you are not doing this to benefit yourself) because you lock your frequency into the positive bandwidth when you prefer to love instead of preferring something else. When you send others loving energy, the first person that will feel this energy is you.

When you prefer to love, you lock yourself into the positive bandwidth and no negativity can be experienced by you.

When you send others hateful energy, the first person that will feel this hateful energy is you. You have 'poisoned' your own self with this negative energy. You have 'harmed' yourself. When you send others hateful energy, it means that you prefer hate as opposed to love. Because of your preference, you lock your frequency into the negative bandwidth. When you are locked into the negative bandwidth, you now have access to all negative phenomena.

I have used the term you and others only for the purpose of illustrating the above point, but the truth is that there is only ONE SELF. When we love another, we are loving ourSELF. When we hate another, we are hating ourSELF.

To lock yourself in the frequency of the love vibration, you must prefer love over not love, you need to be very clear of who you are, so that when distortions are present, you will not be swayed by these distortions.

Mastering your vibration is an ongoing process. If you have not achieved it, be patient with yourself and start over. There is no need to beat yourself up. It is better to love yourself no matter what, in this way, you can quickly lock yourself back into the vibration of love.

When you are in the vibration of love, you are in alignment with love. When you are in alignment with love, you are love. When you are love, there is no you. There is only the vibration of love. Forget your form and read this with your heart, with your consciousness and you will understand what the meaning of "when you are love, there is no you" is.

You are first and foremost energy. From energy there is vibration. Vibration can be subtle (cannot be seen by your translating device you label your brain) or gross (can be seen by your translating device you label your brain).


Anytime you feel good, observe what causes your good feelings. Anytime you enjoy something and feel good, observe what is happening.

When you feel good, it is because you are loving ..................... (fill in the blank). When you feel good, it is because you are in a state of love, of loving something.

It could be a sport that you love, it could be a food that you love, it could be a movie that you love, it could be a pet that you love, it could be a person that you love, it could be a piece of music that you love, it could be some attire that you love, it could be a place that you love etc etc

The object of your love can be anything. When you love, the energy of love is flowing through your mind, emotion and body and to the object of your love. When you love, you are in alignment with the vibration of love, you are in alignment with the ONE SELF that is love. You feel good because you are not contradicting your own vibration, your own energy, your own life force, your own beingness, your own consciousness. You feel good because you are not contradicting your own nature.

When you hate, when you are not in a state of love, when you are full of hatred or full of any negative emotions, observe how you feel. You feel lousy. You do not feel good. You do not feel good because the alignment is absent, you are going against yourself, against your own nature, against your own vibration of love, against your own beingness, against your own consciousness, against your own energy, against your own life force. You feel lousy because you are contradicting your own nature.

Your feelings are giving you feedback whether you are in alignment with your own nature or you are going against your own nature.

See every situation as an opportunity to love and to radiate the vibration of love. You are the vibration of love. Every situation is an opportunity to be yourself, to be you.

Some people may find this philosophy to see every situation as opportunity to love as naive, but this is because they do not know that they are energy and that they are love. When you love, you are simply being yourself, you are not contradicting yourself.


If you are already experiencing that all is well, blessings to you. If you have yet to experience that all is well, blessings to you too, as you journey on your way to perceive and understand that all is well.

"You are never separated from the infinite, ever, but you can have a distorted perception that you are separated from the infinite (meaning that you can have the illusion that you are separated from the infinite)."

"When there is a distorted perception, the perceiver will and must experience a reality that matches the distorted perception".

"When you correct the distorted perception, the corresponding reality that matches the corrected perception will be visible to you and the other reality that matches your distorted perception will be made invisible to you.  Your brain is not designed to view simultaneous multiple realities.  It can only view that reality that matches your current perception.  Your perception functions as a tuner that allows only one version of reality to be viewed and excludes the viewing of all other versions of reality just as a tuner tuned to 95FM on a radio allows only the broadcast at 95FM to be heard and excludes the hearing of all other available programs, even though all programs are present and available simultaneously".

It is your perception that you are separated from the infinite that is preventing you from experiencing your Oneness with the infinte.  Nothing else.  Perceive that you are one with the infinite and you will experience it.  There is a coach for everything, from tennis to badminton to all fields of life.  As a Perception Aligner Coach, I am saying the above from my experience.

Perception is such an important subject.  You have read this word numerous times on this blog.  When I am inspired to elaborate more on this topic, I hope to be able to explain it effectively in a very clear way that will be totally beneficial to all.  It is one thing to know, it is another thing to communicate what you know effectively, so that the communication is not lost in translation by the perceiver.

A thing is a mystery only when we do not know what is going on.  When we know what is going on, the mystery has been unveiled and it is no longer a mystery.

Solving a mystery or unveiling what is hidden starts with an inspired hunch, it starts with a hypothesis

After numerous testing of the model of reality that will explain the mystery, one will know whether one has or has not discovered the principles that governs a phenomena which was mysterious. It is not a solo effort, as there were plenty of assistance from physical beings as well spiritual beings.

Why do I attempt to solve a mystery?  Solving a mystery is very exciting to me and the personal satisfaction experienced after solving a mystery that is important to me and that can be of benefit to 'humanity', is amazing and out of this world.  It is not just the destination arrived at after solving the mystery that is satisfying, it is the totality of the experience from the beginning of identifying the mystery, to the end point of solving the mystery that is personally rewarding and satisfying.  It is not just the destination that is exciting, it is the whole journey that is exciting and wonderful.  To use an American expression, it was and is, wickedly good.

31 Oct 2018


What is perception?  The following are some definitions I came across.  

The way in which something is regarded, understood or interpreted.  

A belief or opinion, held by people based on how things seem.  

'This world is a dangerous place' is a perception.
'When I smile at people, they always smile back at me' is a perception.

Your perception of something is the way that you think about it or the impression you have of it.  The way I see (perceive) it, for perception to occur, there must be a brain (a subject) and a stimulus (an object).

Two or more brains may see the same thing, but each individual brain is processing the stimulus based on their own unique way as a result of past experiences.  The conclusions each brain arrived at are coloured by the filters from past experie
nces, the perceiver current emotional state, the presence or absence of life threatening situations, the presence or absence of endorphins in the chemical bodies, the presence or absence of incentives etc.  

Meaning is not out there in the myriads of objects (stimulus).

Meaning is in the beholder (the brain).  

Each brain is unique.  Each brain is subjective.

Meaning is attributed by you.  The stimulus is considered neutral, but you are the one that perceive the stimulus as negative or positive.  You are the one that gives the stimulus a negative or positive spin.

Perception is a subjective thing, it is not objective.

Perception is coloured as a result of past experiences.  

Perception is instantaneous and occurs automatically unless the perceiver is making an effort to question his/her biases.

Perception is habitual unless the perceiver is attempting to modify his/her habitual way of perceiving.  

Your perception is the conclusion you arrived at after the stimulus you perceive are processed by a number of factors such as the various filters that are present as a result of your past experiences as well as your current state of mind, emotion and body.  

What is impossible?  The Wright brothers perceived that it is possible to create an object (airplane) that fly even though their peers may not share their perception (apparently the Wright brothers were ridiculed).  

Cancer patients who have experienced a miraculous cure of their cancer somehow perceived in their being that it is possible.

People with multiple personalities experience different realities when they switch personalities.  The realities are varied and different because each personality has their own unique perception.  One personality may have diabetes but when another personality takes over, the same body shows no evidence of diabetes.  One personality has allergies but when another personality takes over, there are no allergies, even though both personality shares the same body.  

The above is a classic picture of a young lady and an old lady present simultaneously in the same picture.  

I was in a seminar once and surprisingly many participants could not perceive both the young lady and the old lady.  Some can only perceive the old lady.  Some can only see the young lady.  They had to be guided for quite sometime to perceive what they could not perceive.  

Seeing or perception is not a straightforward thing.  We perceive with our whole baggage that we carry.  We cannot judge because we have not gone through what others have gone through.

The point is this.  If you cannot perceive something that exists, because you are unable to perceive it, this inability to perceive it will prevent you from having the experience of it, not because the experience is not available, but because you are unable to perceive that this experience is available.

If a doctor pronounces to a patient hat he has an incurable disease, and he believes this doctor and the whole medical community that has accumulated many evidences that the disease he has is incurable, and if he too perceives that there is no cure for him, then his circumstances will reflect his perception.  The evidences collected by the medical community are irrelevant (because all the patients who have produced the evidences in the past do so as a result of what is going on at the perceptual level), the only relevant thing is his perception.  Because he cannot perceive the healing, he is not a vibrational match to the healing that is already present but blocked (appears invisible) from being visible due to his current perception.


In a different scenario, a patient with an incurable disease was told by a doctor that he will be given an experimental drug which according to past evidences has been very effective in treating his condition.  In this scenario, what the doctor did not reveal was that he will be giving the patient a placebo (looks like medicine but has no medicinal properties). This patient was convinced by the explanation given by the doctor, took the placebo and he was cured.  What happened?  It is not the placebo that cured him, it is his perception that cured him, it is his perception that changed his reality. He somehow was able to perceive the existence of the reality of the cured state, he somehow was able to perceive the presence of the cured state.  The cured state already exist because there are many versions of realities, however, until he is able to perceive the existence of the cured state, he cannot experience this cured state.  (You can get more information online regarding the effects of placebo).

Perception is truly an amazing thing.  It is mind boggling when you realize how powerful our perception is and how important this subject of perception is.

The rule of the game that has been hidden from us is that our perception can change our reality.  This hidden rule is as certain and reliable as the mathematical formula that we have.  In order to win any game, one must know the rule or rules.  If the rules are unknown, it is not possible to win until one has figured out the rules.


To those who are unable to perceive the old lady in the classic picture above, the old lady is absent as far as they are concerned, even though the old lady is really present and truly exists.  Because of their inability to perceive, they cannot have the experience of knowing the reality of her presence and existence.

To those who are unable to perceive the young lady, the young lady is absent as far as they are concerned, even though the young lady is really present and truly exists.  Because of their inability to perceive, they cannot have the experience of knowing the reality of her presence and existence.

Now that you understand how important perception plays in your life, the most important question is "How can I perceive in such a way that I am not sabotaging myself?"  To perceive in a way so that you are fulfilling your highest potential, you have to observe and take note of how you are feeling.  If you are currently experiencing negative emotions, it means that you are currently perceiving something in a way that is not serving you or your highest potential.  If you are currently experiencing positive emotions, it means that you are currently perceiving something in a way that is serving you and your highest potential. Your feelings are always giving you feedback about your perception as well as your state of mind.

You have to be aware of how you are perceiving something.  Do not blindly perceive something.  Question your perception.  You must dare to make any truths, your own.  You must not look for the evidence of the existence of your preferred reality by looking for validation from others who perceive differently from you.  Others who perceive differently do not have to agree with your subjective perception in order for your perception to be a reality.  You are not living in an objective universe.  The universe everyone is living in is a subjective universe. 



In general, if you feel that this world is a safe place, you will continue to perceive and experience that this world is safe.  You are able to perceive that this world is a safe place because the feeling of safety is in your core vibration as a result of your experiences so far.  This is your default settings.

If you feel that this world is a dangerous place, you will continue to perceive and experience that this world is a dangerous place.  You are only able to perceive that this world is a dangerous place because the feeling of threat and danger are in your core vibrations as a result of your experienc
es so far.  This is your default settings.

If you perceive that there are not enough resources available for you, you will continue to experience this reality even though this perception was caused by your experiences in the past.  The 'past' need not determine the 'future'.  This illustration shows that you are perceiving a current situation which is new using the old model of reality that you experience in the past.  You have not outgrown your experiences in the past, meaning, you are still perceiving new situations using the filters of the past.  You continue to perceive the present using the filters of the past even though the new situations have no connections to the past.

You cannot change your circumstances (reality) until you change the perception that causes you to experience this reality.

Your reality changes itself to match your perception.

Your perception determines what you will experience.

What you are experiencing and what you will experience are in direct proportion to your perception.

Your reality is a mirror of your perception.

Your current experiences of reality matches your current perception of reality.

You mould energy and experience the 3 dimensional reality as you perceive.  When you change your perception, you restart the moulding process resulting in a new and different 3 dimensional reality.  The new version of 3 dimensional reality reflects your new perception.

The perception that you are competing with others for limited resources is false.  But this perception will be true for you if you have this perception.

Because your perception can be changed by you, you are not a victim.  This truth shall set you free.

Your perception is your personal genie that grants your wishes again and again.  The universe (your reality) caters to every whims and fancies of your perception, negative as well as positive.

You cannot change your circumstances (reality) until you change the perception that causes you to experience this reality.

Trying to change your reality (circumstances) by focusing on circumstances is like trying to stop an echo from reverberating.  To change your reality, change the perception which is causing the reality (echo).

When you change your perception, you change your vibration.  This newer vibration will replace your older 3D reality with a newer 3D version that matches your new vibration.

Your current 3D reality is present and visible to you because they are a match to your current perceptions.  Those 3D realities that do not match your current perceptions are invisible to you, even though multiple 3D realities are all existing simultaneously.  When you modify your perceptions, the updated 3D version will be made visible to you and the outdated 3D version will be invisible to you. 

Nobody has the power to change your subjective personal universe because nobody has control over your perception except you.  What is absent or present in your personal universe is determined by you.  You have absolute control.

Jealousy cannot be experienced by you once you know that you can experience any version of 3D reality you prefer.  All that is required is your perception of the preferred 3D reality.

All things already exist.  When you are unable to perceive the possibility of something existing, this something that you perceive is not possible is prevented by you from being present in your 3D reality.  When you are able to perceive that something does exist, this something pop up from the realm where everything already exist and reveals its existence to you to match your perception.  You are the infinite, and you contain it all, all versions of realities.

Different versions of realities existing simultaneously are like the many television programs that are existing simultaneously right now.  The one the you prefer becomes visible to you, is present.  Those that you do not prefer remain invisible to you and appear absent to you.

Every version of reality has a unique frequency and vibration.  As you are perceiving, you vibrate.  As you vibrate, you are emitting a unique signal.  The version of 3D reality that matches your unique signal will 'lock' with your signal.  The corresponding version of reality will then sync up with your vibration, just like your electronic gadgets, and you experience this reality in 3D, high definition.

When an aspect of your distorted perception is corrected, and there is realignment of your perception, there is a shift in your vibration.  All of a sudden, with hindsight, you realized how biased you have been and how this biaseness (distorted perception) is the cause of all disharmony you have experienced.  With the change in perception, your new 3D reality will no longer reflect any disharmony related to the distorted perception as the distorted perception has lost its charge (ability to attract the corresponding 3D reality).  You can never go back to the erroneous perception. You have ‘healed’ yourself. You are now whole. You are at peace. You are no longer the same person, because you no longer have the distorted perception.

Financial problems are caused by distorted perception.

Illness of the body, emotion and mind are caused by distorted perception.

Relationship problems are caused by distorted perception.

All forms of disharmony you experience in your life are caused by distorted perception.

You experience healing of mind, emotion and body (and other obstacles to your well being) when distortions of perception that prevented you from experiencing wholeness are no longer present.

Below is a definition of perception that was inspired to me.

A definition of perception that was inspired to me. Perception is the birthing of an idea, a thought, a vision, in an attempt to give meaning, make sense of the self and its relationship with the universe. The birth of this idea, thought, vision has been influenced by past experiences of the perceiver resulting in a slant towards the negative or the positive. The perceiver, most often is not aware of the presence of biases in his perceptions, until a crisis occurs which may prompt the perceiver to question the accuracy of his perceptions, promoting 'healing of mind, emotion and body.


The 3D reality that we experience is caused by our perceptions (thoughts/beliefs/ideas/worries/hopes/convictions/faith/doubts/confidence etc).

The 3D reality mirrors our perceptions.  To change our negative experiences, all that is required is to change our unwanted perception with the preferred perception.

The law that governs this time space reality that appears to be ‘hidden’ is the law that states ‘As you perceive it, you shall experience it’.

All possibilities already exist.  Provide the perception and the corresponding 3D reality that matches this perception will become visible to the perceiver, while the 3D reality that no longer matches the perception will become invisible to the perceiver.


There is an objective universe that is separate and apart from the perceivers.

If one does not like what is happening in the ‘objective’ universe, one tries to change the components in the universe or blames others for the presence of unwanted negative experiences.  If the economy is not doing well, it is because the leaders are not doing their job. The focus is on blaming others instead of becoming aware that the cause of any disharmony is the distorted perception of the perceivers.

If one does not like what one is experiencing in the objective universe, one either try to run away from the experiences or try to eliminate the person that is blamed for causing one to experience the unwanted.  It is flight or fight.

There is scarcity, finite resources and the pie is finite.  Inhabitants have to compete with one another to survive. The goal is to survive by dominating others or to prevent others from dominating.


What are the signs and symptoms of a person who has corrected his/her distorted perceptions? I will used the masculine gender to describe this person for the sake of convenience, but bear in mind that the following signs and symptoms refer to all genders.

  • He is healthy mentally, emotionally and physically.
  • He has no financial issues.
  • He relates well to every member of society.
  • He is always connected to the infinite, which is the source of all inspirations he has received and will continue to receive as a result of his new identity as both the finite as well as the infinite.
  • He generates the vibration of love under any and all situations.
  • He is not in the business of changing anybody as he understands that everyone has the freedom and the freewill to perceive the universe in their own unique way. Having said that, he is ready to assist if someone requires his assistance for 'healing'.
  • He is not interested to be worshipped or to create a following or to create a movement or to create a new religion as he understands that everyone is simultaneously both the finite as well as the infinite and that he has no monopoly regarding access to knowledge, esoteric or otherwise.
  • He is happy on his own. He is happy if there are company. He is happy with or without the presence of others.
  • He is at peace with himself and with others.
  • He knows that there is no destination, only endless enjoyable journeys.
  • He is not obsessed about outcomes, he knows that his body is merely an instrument for the infinite. When he receives an idea, he knows that the seed of the idea will be watered by the infinite. There is no longer a need to claim credit for ideas that was generated by the infinite.
  • He is not here to prove to others that he is right and that others are wrong, or that his method of 'healing' is the only method that is right.
  • He no longer has any feelings of unease or angst.  

Clarity is the absence of distortion, the absence of distorted perception.

Fear (including hate and all other negative vibrations) is the presence of distorted perception which blocks the flow of love through self to all.

The absence of distorted perception allows love to flow freely and unconditionally without fear or favour.

The ability of pure energy to flow from the infinite through self to all as a result of the absence of distorted perception is what you label unconditional love.

Who are you?  You are pure love.  To the degree that you are free from any distorted perception, to that degree you recognize that you are pure love.  To the degree that you have distorted perception, to that degree you have blocked yourself from recognizing that you are pure love.

When you recognize that you are pure love, you return to the state of consciousness before you were born, before time and space.  Because there is the presence of a body, you now exist simultaneously within time and space and beyond time and space. You are in this world, but not of it. You have come full circle.

Your perceptions determine your experiences in all areas of your life.  Five main areas that are critical to your well being are: Self Identity, Resources, Health, Happiness and Relationship.

If you perceive that you are only a finite being, that will be your experience.  If you perceive that you are the Infinite, playing and having an experience tn time and space, you will have an empowering and more expansive experience.

If you perceive that your body is fragile and that your body can succumb to illness, that will be your experience.  If you perceive that you are healthy in mind, emotion and body, that will be your experience. (I am aware that this is not the perspective of the current medical community, however, you will discover that it is your perception that makes something become 'true'.  The medical community is looking for an objective truth that they can declare as the final and ultimate formula that everyone can achieve if they follow this objective truth. The truth is that there is no final 3D reality except what a person perceives to be true for him/her.)

If you perceive that you are a finite being with finite resources, that will be your experience.  A person who has no financial issues perceives the presence of infinite abundance. A person with financial issues perceives the presence of scarcity.  If you perceive that you are poor, that will be your experience and vice versa. If you perceive that resources are outside of you and that you have to get it from outside of you, that will be your experience.  I cannot say more about this without stretching your beliefs of what you perceive to be possible or impossible.

If you perceive that you are separated from happiness, bliss, love, peace and joy, that will be your experience.
If you perceive that you are never separated from the infinite, and that the qualities of happiness, bliss, love, peace and joy are your qualities, that will be your experience.


If you perceive that you are separate from other people, you will act only from the perspective of self, experiencing more and more disharmony in your life.  However, bear in mind that you cannot be of true service if you yourself have nothing to give (if you have not experienced that you are the infinite). It is not about not being selfish, it is about knowing that you are the SELF.  If you perceive that you are One with everything in this universe, all your actions are inspired from the One SELF. No disharmony can be created from this perspective.

Your reality, your personal universe, is an echo of your perception in 3D.

Nothing can materialize in your 3D reality until you are able to perceive it first.

The general consensus of the inhabitants of planet Earth, majority of the inhabitants have the perception that obstacles to their well being are located outside of them.  The obstacles are not located outside of them, even though that is the popular perception. The obstacles are currently inherent within them. The cause of the obstacles are their distorted perceptions regarding well being.

You are always being blessed.  In fact you are the infinite, blessing you, in this time space 3D reality.  However, if you are unable to perceive that you are always being blessed, your inability to perceive this will prevent you from experiencing all the blessings that are being showered at you over and over again.  You do not have to seek any blessings from anyone, because you are the SOURCE of all blessings.

You are the blessings that you wished to be showered upon you.

Doubt is caused by your perception.  Confidence/Trust is caused by your perception.  Both are equally valid perceptions. The question is which perception empowers you?  There is no truth. There is only perception. Shocking or exciting? It could be exciting because, in an instant, the self created prison walls suddenly disappeared, the self imposed limitations suddenly vanished.  It could be shocking, because this revelation shook the foundation of your assumptions of your perceptions of your universe. If shocking, get over this, deal with it and celebrate this momentous occasion.

Once you know that there is no truth, that there is only perception, your life will never be the same again.  You are like the quantum physicist who discovered that the particle materialized because your perception (observer) causes it to materialize.

When you are able to choose your perceptions, when you are able to perceive in a way that is empowering for you as the infinite, instead of perceiving out of past habits of perception that is disempowering for you as the infinite, you have mastered the game that is being played on Earth, penetrating through the disguises you have put on to veil who you truly are.

Your perception that there is an objective world apart from you is so ingrained that majority of inhabitants on planet Earth have difficulty understanding that there is no objective truth, that there is only perception.  As more and more of inhabitants on planet Earth experience this realization, Humanity on Earth will reached a tipping point for the release of the perception that there is an objective world apart from you, heralding a new era in the evolution of consciousness for the inhabitants of planet Earth where everyone can thrive and flourish, creating Heaven on Earth.

Your 3D reality is the result of your vibrations.  Your vibrations are the result of your perceptions.  Change your negative perceptions and you change your 3D reality.

You must not look for the evidence of the existence of your preferred reality by looking for validation from others who perceive differently from you. Others who perceive differently from you do not have to agree with your subjective experience in order for your perception to be a reality. You are not living in an objective universe. The universe everyone is living in is a subjective universe.

The 3D reality that you experience as real is just an interpretation (perception) of vibrations. How many different versions of interpretations are available? Infinite. That is the reason for the statement 'Whatever your mind can conceive and believe, you can achieve (experience), because your universe caters to every version of your interpretation (perception). Most people think that there is only one version of 3D reality which everyone is observing and participating in. It is very challenging for most people to accept something so revolutionary because this traditional way of perceiving reality is so ingrained in most people. The old way of perceiving does not empower you and place the emphasis for changing your experience by changing components of your 3D reality. The new way of perceiving empowers you and does not place any emphasis on changing components of your 3D reality. It simply ask you to change your perception and the matching 3D reality will be made visible to you.

The 3D universe that you experience individually is a projection of your own consciousness resulting from your own unique perception. You are like a single audience in a movie theatre watching a movie projected by your own mind/thoughts/beliefs/perceptions.

Because the 3D universe that you experience individually is a projection of your own consciousness resulting from your own unique perception, you are always in control of the movies you are spinning. If you do not prefer the current movies that you are spinning, change to your preferred perception and you will experience a different movie. You are the Master.

Your 3D reality that appears to be outside of you, is a projection of your perception that appears to originate from inside of you. But who you are is the infinite that is beyond inside or outside.

Since everything in your 3D reality is a projection of your thoughts, all forms of matter are simply thought. If so, does scarcity really exist? How so? When you are able to generate infinite amount of thoughts, on what basis is scarcity true? Scarcity does not exist, there exist an abundance of thoughts regarding scarcity.

You are eating breakfast made of thoughts. You are buying groceries made of thoughts. You are using money to buy food made of thoughts. You are talking to another person made of thoughts. You are seeing using your eyes made of thoughts. You are processing information with your brain made of thoughts. Everything in your 3D reality are vibrations which your brain translates as matter.

You have heard the following expressions numerous times. Ask and it is given. Seek and you shall find. Knock and the door shall be opened. A more accurate expression is 'Perceive it, and it shall be your experience. Asking and seeking means that you do not know that you already have it. Every version of realities already exist. All that is required is your perception of the preferred 3D reality. If you can perceive it, you can experience it. This rule of the game will be made more apparent, as you, as a species, become more receptive to the laws governing your 3D reality. As more and more of you embrace it, perceive it and articulate it, more and more of you will experience it.

You are already whole and complete this instant. But you may not perceive that you are whole and complete. Why? The perception that you are not whole and complete has to do with your past experiences. Coming to this density itself is a huge shock to your sense of wholeness and completeness as a result of forgetfulness. On top of that, those of you who have experienced abuses and other traumatic experiences, experienced more perceived fragmentation of your wholeness to the point that you now perceive yourself as broken. To heal yourself, you do not have to forget your experiences. To heal yourself, all that is required is to correct your distorted perception that you are not whole. Your experiences cannot change your identity as the infinite, just as a nightmare of being an animal does not change your identity as a person. When you wake up from a nightmare, the distorted perception that you experienced during the nightmare is gone in an instant. Healing is your ability to perceive that you are already whole.

Perceive that you are whole and complete and this shall be your experience. How do you know that this can be true for you unless you test this perception for yourself? The best proof is your experience of it, a personal experience of the law that states 'What you perceive, you shall experience'.

Once you truly understand and experience personally the validity of the law that states that 'What you perceive, you shall experience, your whole attitude will change and you will eliminate blaming from your consciousness.

The whole purpose for your experience in this density is to remember who you are after forgetting who you are. It is for the purpose of extracting and uncovering the gem that appears to be hidden in your experience of 3D reality. All appearances seem to convince you that you are powerless. You can only live happily ever after, after you have made conscious, the 'hidden' law operating in your 3D reality. The law states that 'What you perceive, you shall experience'. Who is in charge? You. Who has the power to change your experience? You.

You have heard of the statement ‘When the student is ready, the teacher will appear’.  A more accurate statement is this ‘When the student is ready, the teacher will be visible to the student’.  When the student has any of the following perceptions such as the student not perceiving the need for a teacher or the student having the perception that it is difficult to find a teacher or many other reasons that block the student’s perception of the presence of the teacher, the teacher will remain invisible to the student.  They will not cross path. As far as the student is concerned, the teacher is absent. The student’s 3D reality will match the student’s perception because of the law that states, ‘If you are unable to perceive it, you will not be able to experience it’.

You have heard the expression. 'As you sow, so shall you reap'. This is the same as, 'As you perceive it, you shall experience it'.

The current crisis between US and China is a classic example of how the tit for tat actions taken by both leaders were determined by their perceptions.  Both leaders perceive that resources are limited. It is the classic, If another person has more, then I will have less. It is based on the perception that scarcity exist and each leader acts on the basis of trying to stop the other party from having more resources (profits).  Because of their perceptions, the 3D reality where all can thrive and flourish remain invisible to them and the 3D reality where scarcity exists remain visible to them. Your 3D reality morphs itself to match your perception.

You experience what you perceive to be true for you.  If you perceive that you are powerless, you will experience this.  If you perceive that you are poor, you will experience this. If you perceive that you are sick, you will experience this.  If you perceive that you can never experience bliss, you will experience this. There is no final reality. There is only your perception which becomes your 3D reality.  Your perception tunes you into a specific version of reality and those realities that do not match your perceptions become invisible to you. It may seem like science fiction to you, but this is the ‘hidden’ law that governs your reality.  Whatever you perceive to be true, is your 3D reality

Your scientific community wants to be objective when they conduct experiments.  However, they are confounded at every turn and cannot reach a conclusion. For example in one study of about coffee, they concluded that coffee is good for you.  In another study, they concluded that coffee is not good for you. The single variable that they did not consider and cannot isolate are the perceptions of the participants involved in the study.  These participants already have their own perceptions regarding coffee. If participants perceived that coffee is good for them, their 3D reality will match this perception resulting in different body chemistry.  If participants perceived that coffee is not good for them, their 3D reality will match this perception resulting in different body chemistry. They are not aware that this 3D reality is a subjective universe, not an objective universe separate and apart from the perceiver.  

It is the perception of the participants involved in the study that determines the conclusion regarding the study on the benefits of drinking coffee.  It has nothing to do with how objectively the study was conducted. Your scientific community has not uncovered the ‘hidden’ law governing your 3D universe which states that ‘What a person perceives to be true is what he will experience’.

A person who walks across burning coals during a fire walking ceremony and remains unharmed has the perception that the burning coals cannot harm his feet.  Because this subjective perception is true for him, the 3D reality that matches his perception becomes his reality.

The statement ‘You are the centre of the universe’ simply means that 3D reality morphs itself to obey your perceptions. It means that you cannot blame anybody else for what you have experienced and what you will experience. It puts the responsibility for your experiences squarely in your hands. The buck stops with you, with your perceptions.

Healing is the restoration of your perception before the presence of distortion.  The infinite, beyond space and time, perceives without distortion, perceives you in your wholesome and pristine state.  You, because of your experiences in time and space, perceives yourself in less than wholesome state. When the way you perceive yourself is in alignment with the way the infinite perceives you, transformation and healing takes place.

When a person approaches you for healing, the best way to be of service to him is by perceiving him the way the infinite perceives him, as whole and pristine.  Acknowledge his wholeness, not the illusions caused by his distorted perceptions. Be the mirror for him, hold the space for him so that through the power of your correct perception, he is able to perceive himself the way the infinite is perceiving him.

You use your eyes and observe that what you want is not present. As a result of your observation, you declare that you do not have what you want. The more you perceive that you do not have what you want, the more what you want is blocked from being visible to you. It is only your perception that you do not have what you want. When you are able to perceive the existence of what you want, even though visibly, they are not yet present, that which you want become visible and present to you. You have to provide the perception of the wanted thing before the wanted thing becomes visible to you.

Do not use eyesight as a criteria to determine whether you have or do not have something. The things that you want are present but appear invisible to you because your tuner (perception) is tuned to a frequency where it is not.

It is all a matter of perception and it is perception that truly matters.

You are always at the right place at the right time, unless you perceive differently.  By perceiving differently, you will not have the experience of being at the right place at the right time.

You are always in tuned with perfect harmony (the infinite), unless you perceive differently.  By perceiving differently, you will not have the experience of being in tuned with perfect harmony.

Everything is always working in your favour, unless you perceive otherwise. By perceiving otherwise, you will not experience that everything is always working in your favour.

Things are always working out for you, unless you perceive otherwise.  By perceiving otherwise, you prevent yourself from having the experience that things are always working out for you.

There is always plenty of time, unless you perceive otherwise.  When you perceive otherwise, you will experience lack of time over and over again and you will not have the experience of having plenty of time.

You always get what you want unless you perceive otherwise.  By perceiving otherwise, you prevent yourself from experiencing always getting what you want.

All is well, unless you perceive otherwise.  By perceiving otherwise you prevent yourself from having the experience after experience that all is well.

You experience a negative event because the negative event matches your perception.  You experience a positive event because the positive event matches your perception. It was you all along.  Everything (your 3D reality) revolves around your perception. You are the center of your own universe, whether you are aware of this or not, whether you like it or not.

You are love, bliss, peace and joy, unless you perceive otherwise.  By perceiving otherwise, you prevent yourself from knowing and experiencing who you are.

You are love and the physical you is dearly loved by you, the infinite, unless you perceive otherwise.  By perceiving otherwise, you prevent yourself from knowing and experiencing that you are love and that you are dearly loved.

All things (particles) are swimming in an ocean of love (wave).  Love (particles) popping in and out of the ocean of love. To the degree you ae able to perceive this, to that degree, this will be your experience.

Your perception truly truly determines what you will experience.  This is the final piece that you have been looking for, the final piece that will complete the jigsaw puzzle.

If you yourself need healing and you feel a need to pray, it is recommended that you pray in the following manner. 'May I be blessed with the ability in this density to perceive myself in the same way the infinite perceives me'. This version of 3D reality already exist, you are merely praying for the ability to see the presence of this 3D version which you are currently unable to perceive.

Your 3D reality is similar to the holodeck in Star Trek.  In Star Trek, characters can experience any scenarios from the past using the holodeck.  The holodeck is computer generated, but the experiences generated from being in the holodeck are just as 'real' as any other 3D reality. Your mind cannot differentiate between what is real and what is imagined (virtual reality).  Your current 3D reality is just one version of all possible versions of realities that already exist. You can choose to experience any versions of 3D realities, as long as you have the ability to conjure/engineer/construct the perception.

What you are currently experiencing are the results of your dominant perceptions.  To change your experiences, change your current way of perceiving. There is no final reality.  Change your perceptions and you will experience a different 3D reality that matches your new perceptions, no exceptions.

A sick person is sick because he is unable to perceive the version of him where he is healthy.  A poor person is poor because he is unable to perceive the version of him where he is wealthy. A sad person is sad, because he is unable to perceive the version of him where he is happy.  When you are unable to perceive X, it is not because X is not present, it is because X is not within your range of vision and comprehension, caused by something that is blocking your perception.  It is your past experiences and habits of perceiving that are blocking you from perceiving it. A person residing at the negative frequency cannot perceive something that resides in the positive frequency. The reverse is also true.

When you are experiencing a 3D reality that you do not prefer, examine your perception. What kind of perceptions must a person has, in order to experience this version of 3D reality? Is this perception fixed or changeable? Since this perception is changeable, you have the power to perceive differently in a way that is empowering for you. Change your perception and the matching 3D reality will be your experience, no exceptions.


Just as there is an operating manual when you buy a laptop, finally, you now have the operating manual on how to operate you. You came into this world without an operating manual, the operating manual is now with you. As I perceive, so shall I experience.


What you truly want, what thrills you the most, what will electrifies and jolts you is the experience of perceiving that you are one with the infinite.  It is only in this time space environment that you can experience having a body and experience having a distorted perception that you are separated from the infinite, and when you are able to correct this distorted perception, ohhhh, the ecstasy of the experience is simply sublime.


I like to keep things simple. Now that you know the law that governs our 3D reality, the strategy is to change any negative habit and substitute this negative habit with a positive habit. What habit? Habit of perceiving in a negative way. It is time to challenge any negative perceptions that you have that are no longer serving you.

According to research on changing habits, it takes about 21 days to change a habit. Who knows? Maybe lesser or maybe more. The important thing is to start today. Create a positive statement and let this statement be your mantra. They will be many things that will distract you from your ability to focus on this mantra, however, you must persevere. Do not be bothered by the echo, focus on the original sound. Take care of the original sound and the echo will take care of itself. You probably have the negative habit for many years, so give yourself a break if your old habits resurface. You will know that you have acquired a new habit when your energy level is consistently up and not down. You will know, because you will consistently feel amazing and wonderful, once the new habit is fully entrenched.



You have negative expectation because you have negative perception.
You have positive expectation because you have positive perception.
Once you have corrected your distorted negative perception, you will no longer experience the 3D reality that matches your negative perception.
You get what you expect, always, no exceptions.


When you are perceiving, you are focusing. By choosing what to perceive, you are choosing what to focus on. Do you perceive the young lady or the old lady?. If you perceive the young lady, you are focusing on the young lady and not focusing on the old lady. If you perceive the old lady, you are focusing on the old lady and not the young lady. The act of perceiving itself is an act of focusing. You focus on something and exclude everything else because your perception is biased as a result of your experiences. You perceive something and exclude everything else because your past experiences influence you to focus on it. Perceiving is focusing and focusing is perceiving.


Everything is vibration because every matter is made up of atoms that are vibrating, neutrons, protons and electrons. Our brains do not see these atoms. When our brains see a metallic table that appears very solid to us, our brains do not see the atoms that are swirling and vibrating in the metallic table. Our brains fool us into having the perspective that we are looking at a table that is metallic and solid. This is the default way our brains have been designed, making us unaware at the conscious level that everything is vibration instead of solid matter. Science classify matter into three distinct possible states, solid, liquid and gaseous. Water is H2O. H is Hydrogen and O is Oxygen. Water can be in the solid state in the form of ice. Water can be in the liquid state in the form of rain water. Water can be in the form of gaseous state as pure Hydrogen and pure Oxygen. Water in the solid state and liquid state are visible to our brains. Water as pure Hydrogen and pure Oxygen are not visible to our brains. We can see the individual blades of a stationary fan, but we are unable to see the individual blades of a fan moving at maximum speed due to the difference in the revolutions of the spin of the blades. Why are our brains designed by default not to see the vibrating atoms when they are in solid and liquid states? If our brains are able to see the vibrating atoms when they are in solid and liquid state, then the whole game is over, because we will know that nothing is solid and that everything is vibration. We will all be mystics and truly understand what the Buddhists mean when they say 'FORM IS FORMLESSNESS AND FORMLESSNESS IS FORM'. We will not be able to enjoy our experience in this time space reality because it would appear to be not real to us when we are able to see atoms vibrating in the solid and liquid state. We will be so conscious of vibrating atoms everywhere to the point that this virtual time space reality will no longer appear real to us and hence we will cease to play the game.


As you know, we are not our bodies.  We are not our names, but names serve a purpose when we communicate with other physical bodies from the same ONE SELF.

For communication purpose, my name is Richard.

My professional background is healthcare, but I am more interested in the 'healing' arts without the use of drugs (chemicals).  However, I love the knowledge that I acquired through the healthcare industry, ranging from anatomy/physiology, pharmacology, microbiology, neurology.  My most favourite subject however, I think you can guess, is Psychology, especially PERCEPTION.  I have personally encountered patients who were given placebo. 

I am not a human being having a spiritual experience.  I am a spiritual being (the infinite) having an experience in this 3D reality.  I love all the teachings of the various spiritual teachers from different timelines.

I see my role now as a Perception Aligner.  Nobody is wicked or evil.  Every person acts based on their perception of themselves and the world.  Someone who commits suicide while bombing others have distorted perceptions.  True healing is the healing of distorted perceptions.  The most important distorted perception that need to be corrected is the perception that one is separate from the infinite.  When this distorted perception has been corrected, one can experience constant peace, love, bliss and joy.  One will always be at the right place at the right time.  One will know what to say and who to say it.  One will know when to remain silent.  Every thought and action are the results of inspiration.  There is no unnecessary efforting.

My favourite quote is the following:

I think that it is important not to take life (3D reality) too seriously.  It is important to have a good laugh now and then and just enjoy the journey.  This 3D reality is just another dreaming reality anyway (no matter how convincing it is), be it dreams during sleep or dreams during waking reality.  The important thing is that once you know that your 3D reality is a mirror of your perception, you are no longer a victim, as you can always change your 3D reality by changing your perception.  The most important thing of all, is to know and experience that you are love.  We are the infinite and all versions of realities already exist within us.  We choose which version we prefer.  No stress, no pressure.  All is well.



Richard R Phahlawi

